Shipping & Returns

Return Policy:

We offer a 15-day return or cancellation policy on all items purchased from our store. If you wish to return or cancel your order, please contact us within 15 days of receiving the item.

Please note that we maintain the sole discretion to determine if an item is not in original and unworn condition. If we determine that the item has been worn or is not in its original condition, we reserve the right to reject the return or cancellation request.

Customers are responsible for all return shipping charges. Items may be returned to our store address, which will be provided upon request.

We accept payments through credit/debit cards, PayPal, and other major online payment methods. Please ensure that your shipping address is valid and does not include a PO BOX to avoid any delays in delivery. Payments is required in full to process your order.

All sales items and seasonal merchandise are FINAL SALE.


ThePink Romantic Home  

1204 E Wardlow RD

Long Beach Ca



If you have any questions or concerns about our return policy, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you for shopping with us.